Salt&Pepper 1995 GALLERY 2 Taking ques from the 30's diners and built in the old Cub's storage building on Addison Avenue.
Intermixing photos past and present this is 1995.
And this is 2005. Some of the lighting has changed and it looks like they relaxed their dress code for at least the women. A Juan is still the short order cook.
When the sun was just right you had to wear sunglasses to work and everyone had a healthy looking tan. The counters are plastic laminate with a metal edge band.
A closer look at the detail of barrel ceiling and the feel it creates in the room. The grid work was laid on the floor and transfered by plumbbob to the ceiling.
An enthusiastic crowd, the type of place where you can catch up on your reading, disuss politics or catch a bite to eat before the game.
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Small side room with bar, stainless steel front, black plastic laminet top.
Bar stools
The bar as it looks today. I'm not so sure on that color.