Daily Bar & Grill 1991 Lincoln & Montrose, 4400 North...a neighborhood restaurant in Lincoln Village.
Daily Bar & Grill owned by the Joey Prino and Dan Shanahan, the same people from the Cabaret Metro. This was build at a time when Lincoln Village, once known as the heart German Town, was quickly becoming a magnet for young hip people.
A contemporary photo.
The velvet curtain, background right, was a small stage for entertaining. The bar has two cabinets for televisions with flipper doors. The nose of the bar has a t-molding metal band.
Valance above the window matches the top rails on the television cabinets and the back-bar verticals.
Wait station was built off to the side of the bar and entrance to the bar was through a duck-down passage.
The door to the left on the wait station held the sound equipment for the room and was covered with a stamped metal grill.
From the dining area looking towards the bar...the focal point of the room.
Entrance to the room through a vestibule and then immediately to the right a host stand and then booth seating.